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MoDELS '08

29 September 2008

It's been a while since my last blog post. I highly enjoyed a vacation in southern spain :). By now, I'm back in business. After two conferences in the Netherlands last week, a NAF Insight session on busines rules (I've presented the Mendix vision on Business Engineering, including a live demonstration) and the BPM2008 congres (with a Mendix presentation on the integration of BPM and model-driven tooling), I'll attend the ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems in Toulouse (France) this week.

"The MoDELS series of conferences are devoted to the topic of model-driven engineering, covering both languages and systems used to create complex systems. These conferences are both an expansion and a re-direction of previous Unified Modeling Language (UML) conferences, and replaced that series of conference since 2005.

Model-driven system development has long been used in the development of complex hardware systems. It is becoming more prevalent in complex software or combined hardware and software systems development as methodologies and tools become available that can manipulate software models from very abstract concepts through refinement and testing. The MoDELS series of conferences is the premier venue for the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences relating to model-driven approaches in the development of software-based systems."

The MoDELS conference has a promising program with topics like Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), meta modelling, model analysis, model transformation, model constraints, model-driven Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), etc.

We from Mendix are presenting our Model-Driven Engineering technology at the tool exhibition. So, for a meet-and-greet, please visit me @ the Mendix stand.

I'll post on a daily base this week, with live experiences from the MoDELS conference.

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Hey Johan! Glad you enjoyed your vacations and glad you’re back to posting!

I’m graduating in Information Systems (ISThttp://www.ist.utl.pt) on Enterprise Architecture, and I’m doing my msc thesis on the retail banking industry. Your posts are one of the most insightfull I can find, Definition of Architecture and Value of Architecture are just a bless in the middle so many fussy things written around this topic.

Thanks for the Conference round-up as that was just what I was searching for, I still don’t get the MDE value proposition but I hope I will soon.

Next year try south of Portugal, Alentejo and Algarve, the best places to eat in the world!

Keep up the good work!

João Acabado () (URL) - 30 09 08 - 10:35

Hi Joao,

I’ll keep south of portugal into mind ;) Thanks for your nice feedback.

For the value of MDE see http://www.theenterprisearchitect.eu/arc.. (the part about the goal of MDE). If you have more specific questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.


Johan den Haan () (URL) - 01 10 08 - 19:47

Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam.

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