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Interview on Pattern Based Engineering

12 January 2011

Pattern Based EngineeringA long time ago, when I was still young... I read the book of the Gang of Four about Design Patterns. Truly a good read. It introduced me to the idea of reusable patterns, and more important, designing code in structured ways.

Recently, a new book on the subject of patterns has been published: "Patterns-Based Engineering - Successfully delivering solutions via patterns". This book aims to discuss questions about using patterns, finding the right patterns, using them in your project, pattern implementations, etc. It provides the tools, best practices and patterns to help you find the answers that are right for your situation.

One of the authors, Lee Ackerman, asked me a few questions about the use of patterns at Mendix and the relation with Model-Driven Development. You can read the interview at the Pattern-Based Engineering website and learn more about the use of patterns in developing Mendix and how users of Mendix share and use patterns in their models.

Photo by Philipp Klinger

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Many thanks for writing about useful subject.

Microsoft sofware development () (URL) - 02 08 11 - 11:13

Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam.

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