Blog overview 2008

End of the year, time for a lookback. I wish you all the best for 2009 and I hope to see you again next year for some interesting discussions.

Below you can find the top 10 posts (based on traffic) of this year and a full blog summary shortly describing each post of 2008.

Top 10 posts

According to the stats these are the top
ten posts on my blog:

I just want to give a recent post special
attention because it’s a first attempt to bridge my interest in both enterprise
architecture and model driven engineering: The
place of Architecture in Model-Driven Engineering

By the way, I didn’t take the time of
publishing into account when looking at the statistics. So, articles posted
more recently are less likely to show up in the top 10, unless they are very

Blog summary for 2008




  • Model
    Driven Engineering
    : post introducing Model Driven Engineering (MDE) as a
    broader concept as MDA. James Taylor had a nice follow-up
    explaining how MDE shouldn’t only focus on developer productivity, because
    the model that should drive the engineering is a business model, not a
    technical one.



  • Architecture
    requirements for Service-Oriented Business Applications
    : primer on
    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The first part of the article explains the
    project types to execute when moving to a SOA and it argues why a SOA is needed
    if you want to integrate processes. The second part goes into detail about
    service-oriented development (programming model, service types, implementation
    and standards). Recently Nick Malik recommended the article in this
    blog post
    , thanks Nick!
  • Model
    Driven Experience
    : announcing the first Dutch symposium on Model Driven
    Development practices. I’m looking forward to the 2009 edition!


  • Quality
    in Model-Driven SOBA development
    : article explaining how an MDE approach
    for Service-Oriented Business Applications (SOBA) asks for specific approaches
    to ensure the quality of the resulting system. Model validation, model
    checking, and model-based testing are described.
  • MDA
    MDD MDE MDSD MDSE: help!
    : just a fun post on the confusion in MD*




  • The
    structure of Domain-Specific Languages
    : post explaining how the structure
    of DSLs can differ in two different ways. An intermediate DSL can be a way to
    handle the complexity of using multiple DSLs with different structures.
  • MoDELS
    : post announcing the MoDELS ’08 conference.


Posts covering the MoDELS ’08 conference:



  • If
    Programming Languages were <T>
    : just a referrer to a fun post on the
    comparison of programming languages with religions, cars, boats, women,
    girlfriends, subcultures, mixed drinks, music, rock bands, art, languages, and
    Christmas songs.
  • And of course this post.

1 Comments Added

Join Discussion
  1. Michael Davison January 14, 2009 | Reply

    Just wanted to say thanks for all of this great content. I find your posts insightful and I look forward to more in 2009.

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