Model Driven Development proponents see a lot of advantages of using MDD techniques. Higher development speed, increased quality, more cost-effective, empowering less-experienced developers, just to name a few. If you look at these promises the question arises why the whole world isn’t using MDD right now? Why don’t we hear a lot of MDD success stories? In a recent article I wrote about some of the main concerns which prevent.
May 24th the first Language Workbench Competition have been held in Cambridge (UK) as a warming-up of the Code Generation conference. The idea for a language workbench competition originates from a group of people during Code Generation 2010. A lot of new initiatives in the field of language workbenches are arising to facilitate the creation of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and their accompanied code generators and IDEs. They all have.
Last year I enjoyed visiting the Code Generation conference. I presented my lessons learned in building a Model Driven Software Factory, met a lot of interesting people, and had a lot of fun. It’s really interesting to share experiences with people (experts!) in the field of Model Driven Software Development. Have a look at my write-up of a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session about Code Generation vs. Model Interpretation.